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.Thesecond spectator is told that they will choose "both a card AND a number".To everyoneelse who hears this statement it is assumed that each will be selected randomly andseparately.However, the spectator will soon realize she is doing exactly as described.She isabout to choose a card and a number at the same time.No one else will know the number iswritten on the card.The deck is reversed and fanned exposing the numbers on the cards as they are shown to thesecond spectator only."You will freely chose both a card and a number  any one you wish.They are all different, as you can see, yes"? The word "they" seems to indicate the cards tothe audience, but to the spectator, it says that the cards and the numbers are different.I amalso subtly asking if the spectator can see everything well.She will usually affirm that shecan see, and that they are all different."Good, then choose a card and a number, it matters not if I see the card".Again, the wordsspoken to the spectator make sense to the spectator, but seem to indicate that a card only isbeing chosen from the audience's point of view."Go ahead, take out any one, your freechoice - can you do that? Excellent.But some people might say you are playing along.SoI ask again, was this your FREE choice? Do you wish to choose another instead? You maychange if you wish.Are you certain? I don't want to influence you! I do want to be clearthat you are not just playing along, that we did not set this up in advance and that you have atotally free choice of your card and a number.Are you satisfied with that? Great".You will note that this is a fine way to address any "stooge" assumptions by skepticalaudience members.This little banter also helps convince the spectator that she is not hi on itat all.I actually make her insist that she is not in on this with me during this exchange.Itworks as it is done in a very non-threatening way.The spectator assumes I am just beingdramatic.Her focus is on the selecting of a card, and whether or not I forced her to take it.This she must admit is all her own doing, and that all is fair.I continue right along with this fair deception.28/Kenton Knepper: Sorcerer Series 2 31"You have freely selected a card, and.a number too? You have a card now and anumber.What is the name of the card there? Good.What is the number you have? Youare holding a card and a number now in your mind - in all of our minds.Yet, could I haveknown your freely chosen card, or where it would be hi the other deck well in advance1? Letus see if I have succeeded in accomplishing one of the greatest challenges of all tune.Referee, please open your box carefully"!The words do so much more than provide mere drama.I restate that if I succeed in this, I amnearly a god.But I stop just short of being that blatant, so it goes by as theatre.My wordstell the spectator and the audience just what they assume, and reinforces all points of view.My words link the card and the number so firmly together that the spectator cannot help butgo with the number she sees written on the card.In fact, the last remarks help the spectatorassume that the number on the card was a written prediction prepared well in advance! Atthis point, no one feels they are "in on it" but rather that they are all part of determining whathas happened.It is the perfect set-up.I take the red card and put it away with the rest.The referee removes the blue deck andcounts down to the card at the number called out.I restate the impossibility of what is aboutto occur.When the referee turns the card over and shows the rest of the audience, stunnedsilence turns to screams and applause.When you do this, you will be considered among themost skilled performers of our age, without doing much at all.Now isn't that nice?Presentational Set-Up"During the past century, there have been several feats that have baffled the best minds hi ourart.Much has been written regarding the miracle that you are about to witness.However,no one until now has performed it under the rigorous test conditions that I will impose.Forthis, I need a volunteer that will be selected at random.To do that, I have five paper ballsthat are numbered one through five.I will throw them over my back.You sir, will youname a number one, two, three, four or five.Will the spectator holding the ball with thatnumber stand and join me on stage.And you sir, will you stand and join me now please".Seat the one who named the number as the referee, and the randomly selected spectator asthe one who chooses the card and number.You need not use seating.However, there shouldbe a simple table to allow the referee to count the cards later.Continue as previouslydetailed.We both hope you will see that the real work here is the use of deceptive words, dual reality,and not at all an "instant stooge".In fact, if that were the case, other professionals wouldhave discovered the secret long ago.They had no clue - until this revelation.My greatthanks to Newell for sharing this true wonder.Now you have some of my secrets, which I have guarded most jealously.You no doubtrealize how some of these principles have fooled the wisest performer, as well as thediscriminating layperson.To this day, some of my favorite bits are in this booklet and thisseries.I hope you will be as thrilled as I am with them, and do the material the justice andthe practice it deserves./Kenton Knepper: Sorcerer Series 2 32Much of the material in this volume must be made or found to be completely appreciated.I hope that does not keep you from discovering the real wonders contained in these slimpages.I know for a fact that if magic dealers were to sell these same items, there would bea great rush to buy many of these methods.As most of the items in this manuscript can bereadily found, I hope you don't mind paying much less to get them this way.If you like the contributions of some of my friends in this series, please let them know bygetting to their shows and purchasing their releases to magic and mentalism.I know theywill appreciate that, as I surely do.Happy discoveries!This series is dedicated with thanks to Stevie, Roland and Rebecca for the Sorcerer coat,and for your prodding and inspiration, direct and indirect, to get this series to appear as ifby magic.You know, it was.Thanks also to those friends who directly contributed to thisseries.'Couldn't have done it without you! My deep gratitude to you all.All manufacturing and publishing rights strictly reserved worldwide.No portion orconcept, in whole or in part, may be transmitted in any manner or form without writtenpermission from the author.©2002 Kenton KnepperLook into all of Kenton's works at:www.wonderwizards.com30/Kenton Knepper: Sorcerer Series 2 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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