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.3) rights modified, 225 (C/S 81 R)assessing, low TA, 132 (C/S 37R Add.2R) worksheets, 196 (C/S 66)assessment, writing up C/Ses, 200, 201, 202 (C/S 69R)form 37R, 134 (C/S 37R Add.3) Azimuth meter, use of, to see reads, 80 (C/S 24)Hi-1o TA rules, 131 (C/S 37R Add.)low TA, 141 (C/S 40) Brepeated, 131 (C/S 37R Add.)Sheet, Pc, 168 (C/S 54) backtrack, getting the pc to go, 7 (C/S 1)assists, 159 (C/S 49R) backwards C/Sing (towards significance), 29-30and Exams, 159, 160 (C/S 49R) (C/S 6)Contact, 159 (C/S 49R) bad exam reports, 96 (C/S 30)Dianetic, 159 (C/S 49R) Basic Program, 11 (C/S 2), 22 (C/S 4)interrupting auditing, handling of, 94-95 begin Dianetics with Pc Assessment Sheet, 168(C/S 29) (C/S 54)Touch, 160 (C/S 49R) behavior mannerisms as an index to change, 35Touch and Contact, 94 (C/S 29) (C/S 8)worksheets, 247 (C/S 92R) blank periods, 156 (C/S 48R)attest, pc to, when he s made it, 153 (C/S 46) blind repair, when no FES is done, 66 (C/S 19)auditing, blow downs,and Ethics, 46 (C/S 11) and falls, 20 (C/S 3), 29 (C/S 6)and TRs, 136 (C/S 38) and length of reads, 149 (C/S 44R)277 SUBJECT INDEX CASE SUPERVISOR SERIESblow up, changing the pc, 36 (C/S 8)item, 131 (C/S 37R Add.) charge, by-passed, last session, 17,18, 19F/N item, 141 (C/S 40) (C/S 3)blue sheet, the Return Program is on, 14 Chart,(C/S 2), 21 (C/S 4) Classification, 49 (C/S 12)boggy cases, 86 (C/S 26) Gradation, 211 (C/S 73), 232 (C/S 83RA)breakthrough, high and low TA, 127 (C/S 37R) new Grade, 248-51 (C/S 93)broad shooting, C/S can give alternatives of Human Evaluation, 35 (C/S 8)in a C/S, 189 (C/S 62) checking for,bug, C/Sing and finding the case, 112 (C/S 34) meter reading items, 79 (C/S 24)bullbait using processes or implants forbidden, reads, 56 (C/S 15)95 (C/S 29) reads while clearing the idea of lists, 66buttons, (C/S 19)using restimulative materials to push checklist, mandatory C/Sing, 200 (C/S 69R)someone s, 95 (C/S 29) checkout on materials by auditors, 179suppress and invalidate, 3 (C/S 1) (C/S 57)by-passed, choosing pcs, 225 (C/S 81R)case and  no interest items, 236 (C/S 85) chronic aches and pains, 183 (C/S 58)charge of last session, 18,19 (C/S 3) chronic somatic(s), 28 (C/S 6), 57 (C/S 15)Dianetic handling of, 64 (C/S 18)C Class Chart, 21 (C/S 4), 248-51 (C/S 93)in every folder, 14 (C/S 2)case (s), Classification and Gradation Chart is theactions, off line, 94 (C/S 29) master program, 10 (C/S 2), 250 (C/S 93)auditors don t have, 8-9 (C/S 1) clearing,bogs, how to repair, 220 (C/S 78) commands, reads gotten on, 142 (C/S 41)can be repaired, 137 (C/S 38) words in tests forbidden, 207 (C/S 71A)completed, 63 (C/S 17) words on GF, 86 (C/S 26)disturbance and whys, 220 (C/S 78) code of a C/S, 197-98 (C/S 67)dog; see dog cases coffee shop auditing, 94 (C/S 29)errors, 4 (C/S 1) cognitions, chopping, abuses indicator of F/N,gain, 151 (C/S 44R Add.), 161 (C/S 50) 30 (C/S 6)has somatics, 22 (C/S 4) complete,non-F/N, 112 (C/S 34) cycles on a case, 145 (C/S 42)not handled, 6 (C/S 1) definition of, 218 (C/S 77)people talking about their, 95 (C/S 29) completion, quickie, 218 (C/S 77)resistive, 156, 157 (C/S 48R), 189 (C/S 62) conference, daily auditors , 70 (C/S 21)study, find the right Why, 112, 113, 114 confront, processes aimed at further, 31 (C/S 6)(C/S 34), 147 (C/S 43) Contact Assist, 159 (C/S 49R)supervision errors, gross, 47 (C/S 11) Continue Process, 128 (C/S 37R)tech errors on a, 59 (C/S 16) copying lists or worksheets, 5 (C/S 1)that don t run well, 114 (C/S 34) correcting of an Int RD, 77 (C/S 23RA)trouble and WC errors, 247 (C/S 92R) correction lists, 209 (C/S 72), 230 (C/S 83RA)ways to bog a, 136-37 (C/S 38) and red tags, 227 (C/S 81-1RA)way to solve a, 145 (C/S 42) auditor Okay to Audit, 227 (C/S 81-1RA)catastrophes from and repair of  no interest C/S OK to do, 227 (C/S 81-1 RA)items, 236 (C/S 85) drill for, 231-32 (C/S 83RA)CCHs, to handle accident proneness, 12 (C/S 2) L3RD, 119 (C/S 36RB), 123 (C/S 36RB-1R)ceiling WDAH, 82 (C/S 25) method of use, 209-10 (C/S 72)chain(s), PTS Rundown, 216 (C/S 76)engram, 28 (C/S 6), 56-57 (C/S 15) TRs and metering, 230 (C/S 83RA)failed to flatten, 69 (C/S 21) use of, 230-32 (C/S 83RA)flubbed, 119 (C/S 36RB), 123 (C/S 36RB-1R) corrective actions, when done, 250 (C/S 93)rehabbing, 118-19 (C/S 36RB), 123 course graduate becomes an auditor, 163(C/S 36RB-1R) (C/S 52)278 SUBJECT INDEX CASE SUPERVISOR SERIEScourses with no materials, 178-79 (C/S 57) C/S, C/Ses, C/Sing (cont.)cramming, invalidation, 60 (C/S 16),147 (C/S 43)and auditor errors, 233 (C/S 84) long, 87 (C/S 27)and auditors, 233 (C/S 84) next, 81 (C/S 25)and excellent checkouts, 84 (C/S 25) Org, 96 (C/S 30)and the C/S, 233 (C/S 84) postings, irreducible minimum, 252 (C/S 94)auditors who flub to, 142 (C/S 41) preOTs don t, 214 (C/S 75)chit, 178 (C/S 57) PTS Rundown, 216 (C/S 76)C/S, 164 (C/S 52) purpose, 31 (C/S 6)cycles and the C/S, 199 (C/S 68) Q & A, 27 (C/S 5), 32-34 (C/S 7),finding the misunderstood, 98 (C/S 30) 243 (C/S 89)Hi-1o TA assessment, 131 (C/S 37R Add.) Q & A, results from, 243 (C/S 89)order, 199 (C/S 68) Quad Dianetics, 91 (C/S 28RA-1)order, how to write up a, 204 (C/S 70R) quality, 99 (C/S 31)raises auditing quality, 99 (C/S 31) responsibility, 121 (C/S 36RB), 125to get flubless auditors, 183 (C/S 58) (C/S 36RB-1R)C/S, C/Ses, C/Sing, responsibility and checking interest on53, use of, 230 (C/S 83RA) drug items, evil purposes or intentions,and auditor admin, 82 (C/S 25) 229 (C/S 82)and cramming cycles, 199 (C/S 68) responsibility for training, 69 (C/S 21)and Cramming Officers, 233 (C/S 84) rules, 14546 (C/S 42),14748 (C/S 43),and Exam reports, 96 (C/S 30) 152 (C/S 45)and flubby auditors, 233 (C/S 84) rules programming from prepared lists,and overload, reduction of refunds, 252-53 149-50 (C/S 44R)(C/S 94) rules the sequence of programs, 151and publics, 194 (C/S 65R) (C/S 44R Add.)and tech courses, 233 (C/S 84) short, 87, 88 (C/S 27)as a training officer, 176 (C/S 57) stable datum, 114 (C/S 34)auditor, 83 (C/S 25) standard handling of auditors, 233 (C/S 84)auditor-C/Ses, 96-98 (C/S 30) standing order to auditors, 213 (C/S 74)auditors writing up, 201 (C/S 69R) supreme test of a, 154-55 (C/S 47)backwards (towards significance), 29-30 thorough, 88 (C/S 27)(C/S 6) three golden rules of the, 186 (C/S 61)case gain, 161 (C/S 50) tips, 14244 (C/S 41)checklist, 203 (C/S 69 Add [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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