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.We also each use different parts more than others.Some people enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, collecting.all of these activities use a different part of the brain.This is like psychic ability.We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it.Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character.All of these are uses of the psychic power.Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that lay unused.An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone.Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training and expanding of your natural psychic abilities.The only thing that holds you back is not believing in yourself.Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's impossible", the person who says "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back.They say that you're your worst critic.Well, stop it! Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow.A Skeptics DefinitionTelekinesis is the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power.Psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers.Uri Geller claims he can bend spoons and stop watches using only his thoughts to control the external objects.Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will.The variety of parlor tricks used to demonstrate psycho kinetic powers is endless.My thoughts on this: Of course there are a variety of parlour tricks to demonstrate this.There are parlour tricks for practically everything! This does not mean that genuine telekinesis is impossible.More About and How to Do TelekinesisTELEKINESIS is moving things using your mind.If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else.Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis.You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait.Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal.Do this for as long as you're comfy with, and do it daily.After some time you will start to see results.I've found that light things are easier so start with light things.Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys.Bending silverware is a little different.You hold the choice object in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware.The thing is, you don't "make" it bend, you "let" it bend.Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground.Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy.THE SHAPING OF ENERGY WITH THE MIND is often used to make psi balls.This is a way to learn to shape energy.You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like your a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them.Even if you can't see it maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more.Don't worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough.You can tell if you made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands.They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then.If your hands hurt don't worry, it's normal.Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see what changes there are.Once you can see your psi ball you can change it's color, shape, and etc.It will do whatever you want it to.SHIELDS are made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you.You can program it to your will.It will do whatever you want it to.TELEPATHY is exploring someone's thoughts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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