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.""And if I were to say octopus and squid were my favorites, would you still be fine with that?"From Billie's straight face, Royce couldn't be sure if she was joking or not. You really like thosethings?"Billie shook her head and then smacked him over the head with the menu. No, they aren't my favoritefood.I just said that to show you that saying whatever I wanted was fine with you may not necessarily bewhat you would like.So hurry up and pick something before I get so hungry I have to start eating you."Royce smiled and flipped back the bed sheet. Be my guest.As long as you start in the area of my hips,I'm game."He watched as her eyes were drawn to his manhood.He all too clearly remembered what it had felt liketo have her mouth on him, pleasuring him until he had felt as if he were ready to explode.In reaction, hisblood began to surge, sending most of it to his groin.Much to his dismay, Billie gave his now fully erectcock one last look of longing before she pulled the sheet back over his hips."Food first.At the rate we're going I'll be lucky if I can walk tomorrow. She shoved the menu into hishands. Now pick something already."Turning his attention to the menu, Royce quickly picked out a couple items.As he watched Billie phonein their order, he was shocked by how much he had come to love her, and how badly he wanted her to Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmllove him.It scared him a little.It left him too exposed, able to be more easily hurt.If anything happenedto Billie because he had taken her as his mate, Royce knew he would never be able to forgive himself.He wasn't yet ready to tell her exactly what he was, but he knew he would have to do it soon.Thesooner he eased her into werewolf society the better.He had learned with his first mate that keepingBillie on the outskirts could be a fatal mistake.And it was one he didn't want to repeat.* * * *Outside in the parking lot of Billie's apartment, Gren sat in his car and watched as a male mortal walkedinto the building carrying a large bag of Chinese takeout.From where he sat, Gren easily saw him buzzup to one of the apartments.A few minutes later a woman came to the door, handed the delivery guymoney and then took the bag of food.The woman was the one he had seen Royce with earlier.He had started watching Royce the week before.After months of lying low, not wanting to drawunwanted attention upon himself, he had decided now was the time to act.To show the ones who heldthe most power that he was still a force to be reckoned with.And Royce was the key.It had been the spell that he had spent years trying to find that had turned Roxie into a werewolf.Shehad been the first mortal it had actually worked on.That she had ended up being the werewolf from anancient prophecy, he felt had had no bearing on its validity.He attributed it to the fact he had usedRoyce's blood and not his own.Royce was Roxie's grandfather, though many times removed.She wasspecial, and as the sire of her bloodline, Royce's blood could have very well been what the spell hadneeded to work.To test his theory, he would need more of Royce's blood, which Gren knew the otherman wouldn't agree to give him.So he had decided he would follow the lone wolf and watch for an opportunity to arise where Roycewould have no choice but to comply.He had to find Royce's weakness and use it against him.It hadnever occurred to Gren the very thing he sought would present itself so quickly, or so easily.Having watched the passionate kiss that Royce and the woman had shared in the parking lot earlier,Gren knew the lone wolf had once again found himself a mate.He knew what had happened to Royce'sfirst mate.Royce had left his mortal mate unprotected, and in his absence, the local villagers had burnedher to death for practicing what they thought was witchcraft.Her death had Royce stepping down asleader of his pack and going lone wolf, taking his infant daughter with him into hiding.Now, once again, Royce had a weakness Gren could exploit.He had seen enough for today.Startinghis car, he pulled out of the parking lot.He would return in the morning and see where Royce's matewent during the day.[Back to Table of Contents]Chapter NineBillie placed the bag of Chinese food down on the kitchen table.The delicious smells coming out of itmade her mouth water and her stomach rumble.She set two places at the table and pulled out thecontainers of hot food.Impatiently, she started to tap her fingers on the table top.Royce had been in thebathroom when she had come back upstairs with the Chinese.She hoped he wouldn't be much longer,but she knew men could take forever in the bathroom at times.She couldn't understand why peoplealways said women hogged the bathroom more than men.From her experience living with her father andbrothers, Billie knew it was the men who liked to take their time. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlFiguring she had waited long enough, Billie started filling her plate with food. If you don't get out heresoon the food will be cold, she called out to Royce.She looked up when he stepped out of the bathroom.He wore only his jeans.His hair was damp inplaces where he had obviously used water to fix the spots where she had tunneled her fingers through itearlier.He eyed the mound of food she had put on her plate. Are you sure you have enough there? he askedwith a hint of laughter in his voice.Billie looked down at her plate, then back up at Royce.She shrugged her shoulders. What can I say, Ilike to eat.I work out enough I can get away with eating whatever I want and as much of it as I want.""I can attest to that.You are by no means fat, and you aren't one of those stick thin women who starvesthemselves either.You're solidly built. Royce blinked when a chicken ball smacked him in the middle ofthe forehead. What was that for?""Solidly built? Just what every woman wants to hear from the man she's sleeping with.""Well, you are. A second chicken ball sailed across the table [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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